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Channel: #RSDnation
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MissGee hey babe
13:18 MissGee hwy bab
13:20 ecad hey girls
13:20 ecad are you from rsdnation.com?
13:21 MissGee i post under a different name
13:21 MissGee in rsdnation
13:21 ecad yeah but are u on the forum rsdnation.com ?
13:21 MissGee yeah
13:21 ecad COOL
13:21 MissGee lol
13:21 ecad what is your favourtite instructor?
13:21 MissGee do many folks from rsnation come around here
13:22 ecad I don't know this is my first time here bro
13:22 MissGee tim and brad
13:22 ecad my favourite is papa
13:22 MissGee lmao
13:22 MissGee really
13:22 ecad YES why you laugh?
13:22 ecad he is very good game
13:23 ecad good lifestyle
13:23 MissGee he just has a lot of money
13:23 ecad yeah he has good car too
13:24 MissGee the reason why hes so wel connnected is cuz his dad is rich
13:24 ecad no
13:42 Mike hey
13:42 ecad whats ur laycount bro?
13:43 Mike your jocking with such a question right?
13:44 ecad no what is it?
13:44 *** Smt joined #rsdnation
13:45 *** Smt quit (Quit:
ajax IRC Client)
13:46 Mike dude just the word laycount is repelling. Do you even like women?
14:01 *** Tyler joined #rsdnation
11:20 Dameon I had no idea there was a secret chat channel...
11:21 Dameon until i saw it on a hate site
11:21 Powerhouse it was prob just started today
11:21 Powerhouse oh those faggots
11:21 Iceman_B|SSH it wasnt
11:21 Powerhouse w/e
11:21 Iceman_B|SSH its been here for a while, its just not advertised
11:21 Powerhouse word
11:21 Iceman_B|SSH because people are able to voice an opinion in here, or talk about shady things
11:21 Dameon yeah.. let me get the link
11:21 Iceman_B|SSH or so I heard
11:22 Dameon
11:22 Dameon im a lurker , and saw this
11:23 Dameon Yeah if its advertised it can be censored
11:24 Dameon I have a question Powerhouse.. have u heard of the Let the game begin movie..
11:24 Powerhouse nope
11:24 Dameon its coming out on the 14... and its going to reveal pickup to the mainstream society
11:25 Powerhouse really now
11:25 Dameon
11:25 Powerhouse im checkin it out
11:25 Dameon
11:27 MissGee movies gonna suck
11:27 MissGee and pickup is already revealed to mainstream society
11:27 Powerhouse eh not really
11:27 Powerhouse most people dont read
11:27 Dameon Miss Gee your a hater
11:28 MissGee the pikup artsit season 1 and 2
11:28 MissGee i am actually on puahate .com
11:28 Powerhouse eh vh1 is a shitty channel
11:28 Powerhouse and what a waste of time
11:28 MissGee im a fan of RSD
11:28 Iceman_B|SSH There is a website dedicated to hating pua and shit?
11:28 Dameon RSD will become mainstream in a couple of years
11:28 MissGee i jsut dont like how theyre so cultish
11:28 Dameon yeah.. thefader gets bashed alot there
11:28 Powerhouse eh
11:28 Powerhouse i dont get why people call it cultish honestly
11:29 Iceman_B|SSH cultish
11:29 Powerhouse people like it because it works
11:29 Iceman_B|SSH go look at any religion
11:29 Powerhouse i just see it as supply/demand
11:29 Dameon I yhink maybe becaused it censored. i dont know what miss gee means.. a cult?
11:29 MissGee most posters on rsdnation
11:29 MissGee post without any knowledge
11:30 MissGee and then ppl follow with GLORY!!
11:30 MissGee and shit
11:30 Powerhouse the censoring is part of the business aspect of though
11:30 Powerhouse you're gonna get that on any company forum
11:30 Iceman_B|SSH I think in general this entire "pua field" is filled with a lot of morons
11:30 Iceman_B|SSH I dont know why though
11:30 Powerhouse yeah straight up
11:30 Iceman_B|SSH maybe its because of the internet
11:30 Dameon yeah
11:30 Dameon at least rsd..
11:30 MissGee
11:30 Powerhouse well when most people get started they just read a bunch of shit and keyboard jockey hella hard
11:30 MissGee check out the RSD part
11:30 Dameon insnt like sosuave.net 80% virgin
11:31 *** sabster joined #rsdnation
11:31 Dameon oh yeah urban!
11:31 sabster what up kids
11:31 MissGee urban actually got banned form puahate
11:31 Dameon were talking anout puahate and leavetepickupcommunity.com
11:31 sabster fuck pua hate, what the fuck is the point of that site?
11:31 MissGee his research is good nonetheless
11:31 sabster puahate is the biggest waste of time i hav ever seen ,i cant believe trolls actually made that lmao that shit is hilarious
11:31 Dameon i think its to create a transparency.. i dunno
11:32 sabster who knows
11:32 Iceman_B|SSH maybe if peopel weren't in it for the money....
11:32 Powerhouse puahate is the lulz
11:32 Iceman_B|SSH than again, what do I know
11:32 MissGee well we do expose some ppl in there
11:32 MissGee liek Dr. Paul
11:32 Dameon TheFAder
11:32 Iceman_B|SSH expose?
11:32 MissGee the Fader hasnt been exposed
11:32 Dameon they got the real names of puas
11:32 sabster i think they know who he is
11:32 sabster they cant do shit with it
11:33 sabster though